Monday 10 December 2012

Monday 10th December 2012
As seems the norm throughout the country we've had it a bit cold recently, but still nothing like the winter of  10/12. The river level is good and the dock gates have remained open.
Leeds market is full of gorgeous things to eat leading up to Christmas, but we're being fairly good to ourselves, at least until closer to the holiday time.
The same as happened last year we're having a strange festive season. Because of the work patterns of both Damon and Liz, once again the main celebration will be held over the first weekend in the new year. Cath and I will have the actual Christmas Day tho ourselves on the boat and on Boxing Day Liz, Brenda and Daniel will be visiting us, which will allow Damon to get his sleep in peace (he's on night shift).
Yesterday I managed to break the repaired end of one of my front teeth. The legacy of an old motorcycle accident (an argument with a tractor which I lost!). So this morning I had to find a dentist. A quick glance through the offerings on Google and I'm booked in this afternoon for a poke and prod around by a jawbreaker in Leeds center.
Next weekend we've hired a car to get us to Barnsley for the 90th birthday of my Aunt. This will also give us transport to fetch some more fuel for the boat from the garage in Normanton.

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