Monday 29 October 2012

29th October 2012
Winter is now galloping towards us. With the turning of the clocks to their winter setting, the nights start so much earlier.
Yesterday I went for what started out as a short walk into town to try and source a couple of 3/4" ball valves for the modification to our central heating. first call was Wilkinsons, I didn't really hold out much hope of them stocking it, but they were on the way so I thought I'd give it a go. No luck, so onwards to Homebase, where I did expect to find them. No go there either, but the chap told me that there was a Screwfix in town, about 5 minutes by car. I am, of course on foot, but that doesn't sound too bad, so off I went.
Sure enough, there was the huge Asda which he told me was a landmark to look out for. Now, where's that Screwfix? No sign, so out comes the trusty smartphone, and, sure enough I'm in the area, and it's down this new road leading to an industrial estate. Another few minutes walking, and there it is. But, this must be the only Screwfix in the world that doesn't open on a Sunday!
So, the long walk back begins, but it's now winter clocks, so the light is fading, bit of a shock that. Not a problem, just unexpected, and annoying to find them closed.
Work on the boat progressed well yesterday, the soundproofing is now finished and the difference in sound levels is as good as we hoped. We can't wait to get her out on the water to try it under cruising conditions. All that remains now are the central heating mods.

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