Friday 12 October 2012

Friday 12th October 2012
It certainly rained a bit last night! Yesterday when I checked the river level/flow it was a pussycat, and while we knew it would rain overnight we didn't reckon on it having a dramatic impact on the level. Big mistake. When we looked out this morning I was very surprised to find the dock gates locked and the level very high.
I later went and had a look at the river and it's going over the weir at quite a rate.
I phoned Supreme Marine, where we have a booking for late Sunday, early Monday dry docking and they were quite laid back about it. They know the state of the river, and the boat which must leave to allow room for us can't come out until Monday afternoon anyway, so we should still be ok.
If the gates do open tomorrow we will set off then, but Sunday is a non starter because Cath is child sitting Daniel all day so it could be Monday before we get going.
Looking forward to lovely hot chilli con tonight.

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