Thursday 18 August 2011

High and dry after vandals drain the pound
We set off this morning with the hope of reaching Wigan. We flew along the wide, deep Bridgewater Canal, passing through Leigh where the name changes to Leigh Branch of the Leeds & Liverpool.
Here the canal becomes isolated and passes through sparse, open countryside. there are several 'flashes' here, formed by mining subsidence. In fact the canal had to be built up quite at bit due to this shifting of the ground. You could say it was a victim of its own success because the prime object of the canal was to move the coal which then caused the subsidence.
When we arrived at the first lock, quite close to Wigan, we found several boats waiting. It was all stop! Some charmless nerk(s) had open the sluices and drained the pound where the branch joins the main canal. it looks as if we'll be here at least until morning now while BW try to refill it. We're at least better off than the chap in the boat above. This picture was taken after refilling had started. At 4 o'clock this morning he nearly tipped right over because of his rounded bottom.

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