Tuesday 18 October 2011

Tuesday 18th October
Yesterday we moved up through Leeds Lock and into Clarence Dock. Damon kindly came and picked us up to do some provisioning at Morrison's.
I spent the afternoon on the computer waiting for BW to open the winter mooring web site. They finally did go live at about 3.15, but when I tried to book a place the site directed me to a dead end. There should have had an executable button at the end of the confirm details page, but it was missing. A call to BW and yes there was a problem and they were working on it.
To be fair to them they worked late on to fix it and I finally got a call at about 6.30 to say try it now. It worked! and we now have our winter mooring fixed up here in Clarence Dock, right next to The Armouries Museum.
This morning I went into town to find a surgery to renew my repeat prescription, a process which sometimes goes well and sometimes we find as many obstacles as they can place to make it difficult. This was one such place and I had to be quite obstinate to get them to admit that I could register as a temporary patient. The next obstacle is "we don't have any appointments available for 4 days". Luckily I've been told about this one. All surgeries are paid by the government to leave space in the morning for walk in patients and they admitted that if I turn up in the morning I will get an appointment to see a doctor.

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