Sunday 22 April 2012

Sunday 22nd April 2012
Having once again picked some detritus from around our propeller we set off this morning knowing I would probably be cowering under a brolly for a lot of the time.
The prediction was true, and most of the trip I needed the cover. We cruised on through the showers, watching quite a few people on the tow path also looking decidedly damp, huddling in their anoraks.
The views changed slowly from countryside once again to industrial as we approached Blackburn. This place was one of the kings of the cotton mill era, but today of course is trying to recover from the demise of that industry. Many of the once great mills are gone, and the rest of them are either derelict or turned to other uses. Most of the tall chimneys have succumbed to the Fred Dibnahs and Blaster Bates of this world. I took a wander into town and found it to be fairly modern with the usual shops and Mall. There are signs for a museum, and I may try to find it tomorrow.

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