Saturday 21 September 2013

Through Fazeley Junction to Hopwas

Saturday 21st September 2013
It's supposed to be the best day weather wise today.
We set off about 8.30 this morning to complete the last 6 Atherstone locks. Cath has been doing all the locks recently, so I insisted that it was my turn, before I forgot how to do it. The descent went very smoothly, most of the locks were in our favour, and several actually had the gates open ready for us.
After that it was a fairly long pound before the last two locks for the day, which are close to Tamworth.
Despite the grand weather forecast, it did actually rain a bit this morning, but not a lot.

This poor boat was once someone's pride and joy.

A lovely autumn scene.

Another express thunders through on this busy line.

Lovely, typically English canal scene. imagine having this at the bottom of your garden.

Someones garden shed?

The canal crosses the River Tame, near Tamworth.

Water meadows around The Tame at Hopwas.

It looks like The Tame once had a wire ferry here. That shed has several wire ropes from it going across the river.

After passing Fazeley Junction we have continued along the Coventry Canal as far as Hopwas where there are some lovely moorings, and a choice of 2 pubs. they both look good, but we're eating in tonight. I've been out for a wander with the camera, and got the pics of the Tame here.
The weather has really perked up, and it got quite hot this afternoon.

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