Wednesday 9 May 2012

Wednesday 9th May 2012
Our plan to outrun the rain worked a treat. This morning we set off in sunshine looking to get to bridge 9. There are 6 swing bridges on the way and at the first one we picked up a singleton in a plastic boat. Swing bridges are particularly difficult for single handed operators for two reasons. Firstly the mooring is frequently on the opposite side from the operating point, which means that once the bridge is open you can't get back to your boat to move it through the bridge. The second is simply the time it takes, while you're taking time to move your boat the bridge remains closed to traffic and if it's a busy road........
We passed though some lovely open farmland and well maintained modern canal-side housing before reaching the mooring near the bridge. We hadn't been here more that about 30 minutes before the rain started so, great timing!

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