Saturday 6 July 2013

Market Harborough

Saturday 6th July 2013
Another fine sunny day again. We set off around 8.30 and were soon through the only lock on the itinerary for today.
We had a lovely lazy cruise along this long pound which leads to the bottom of Foxton Locks, and also Market Harborough.
On the way we passed some lovely scenery, England when the sun shines can be glorious.

At the bottom of Foxton we turned left and continued along the arm leading to Market Harborough. It's a winding bit of canal, with plenty of moored boats on it to keep your speed down.
As we approached the basin at the end all the mooring on the towpath was taken and we wondered if we would get a place in the basin.
When we finally cruised into it we managed to find a slot on the finger mooring in front of the old BW offices. For some time now they have been a hire boat base. I don't know if they lease it or have bought it. The carrot here is that you can plug into power when moored up. I'll do an equalization charge on the batteries while we can.
I took a wander into town this afternoon and took a couple of pics.
This one is the old Grammer School, and is one of the iconic images of the place.

 The River Welland flows through Market Harborough and they seem to have used it to effect.

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